Dienstag, 14. August 2012

Pain and Devastation

Dieses Gedicht habe ich grade wieder bei meinen älteren Texten gefunden. Ich finde es passt, obwohl es schon ein paar Jährchen alt ist, immer noch zu den ganzen Katastrophen und generellem menschlichen Versagen.

Tell me is this just a dream
or could it be the truth, like a bad and bitter reality?
When I open my eyes, all I see
Is hate and greed, just no trace of humanity

Like they're driven by something, deep inside them
It hungers, waits, 'till it stills its thirst
With pain and devastation, no regret, no emotion
You see, it's mankinds fault, we come first

Raised from the sea, settled on land
We've ever been lived with the same old fact
That we are major, we can make it
Just ignore our once beloved mother nature

She's just an illusion, take it for granted
Her fruits and flesh, don't bother them
Just grab it, like you wish or not
It'll serve your hunger, you got what you wanted.

But let me ask you this: Have you ever wondered?
Will she ever strike back, avanging for what we deserve
Sure you've not, I can bet on this.
But time will come, be prepared for it

It's not too late, to turn and change direction
Don't keep on track, just be smart and kind
Listen to me, try it, and set a sign
Others will follow, but give 'em some time

Nature will thank you, for what you've done
Though don't expect too much from it
You are no hero, it's just your duty
Like being nice to your mother, my son.

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